Subject: STATUS
To: None <port-sun3>
From: Adam Glass <glass>
List: port-sun3
Date: 03/11/1994 22:55:58
						<$Revision: 1.1 $> 

This is to be a summary of the status of code, its problems,
and the direction it should take in the future.

Summary: Boots via nfsdiskless (due to lack of a scsi driver),
	 execs /sbin/init (MID_M68K), and because single-user is forced,
	 provides a /bin/sh.  It works, though the console driver is flakey
	 and there are a bunch of vm/pmap assertions that should be

	 nfs_diskless structure is hardwired :)

For bugs list, and missing functionality, see "TODO".
