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Re: USB-RS232 adapters vs. machines w/real consoles.

On 11/25/2016 08:27 PM, John D. Baker wrote:
> The Linux Mint system has so-far thwarted my attempts to operate any
> USB-RS232 adapter without dbus and its minions interfering.  (I managed
> to boot it single-user and start 'udevd', but 'cu' claims "Permission
> denied" and that the port is in use, but it doesn't appear in 'lsof'
> output.)

  This is odd to hear.  I use between five and ten various, random,
cheap Chines USB-RS232 adapters with all manner of chips on a Linux Mint
system every day.  Have for years.  No issues whatsoever.  Most (but not
all) handle breaks without issues.


Dave McGuire, AK4HZ
New Kensington, PA

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