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Re: Kde4 >>xfce4 : issue


for this lines <

and then copy the kernel built (it will show you the full path at
the end of the build.sh run) into /netbsd and reboot.

>> if i undertand i do like this :

and then do (as root):

  # mv PHLO.gz /netbsd.philo
  # shutodwn -b netbsd.philo -r now

It's better or not ?


On 06/28/16 01:32, matthew green wrote:
Philo writes:

Yes i want to build a new kernel but how to do it ?
full details are here:  https://www.netbsd.org/docs/guide/en/chap-kernel.html

minimal version here:

    % mkdir newdir
    % cd newdir
    % cvs -d anoncvs%anoncvs.netbsd.org@localhost:/cvsroot co -P src
    % cd src
    % cp sys/arch/sparc64/conf/GENERIC sys/arch/sparc64/conf/PHILO
    % vi sys/arch/sparc64/conf/PHILO
    [ find the line with "#options INSECURE" and uncomment it
    % ./build.sh -u tools kernel=PHILO

and then copy the kernel built (it will show you the full path at
the end of the build.sh run) into /netbsd and reboot.



On 06/28/16 00:45, matthew green wrote:
Philo writes:
[ ... ]
[    66.329] (EE) RADEON(0): Unable to map MMIO aperture. Invalid argument (22)
hmm, isn't this the new securelevel issue?

i don't see to be able to set it via gdb anymore.  do you know how
to build a new kernel?


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