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Re: Ultrasparc III+ kernel panic

Martin Husemann a écrit :
On Sat, Feb 07, 2015 at 10:35:33AM +0100, BERTRAND Joël wrote:

	I've seen some recursive panics without any information on
Blade2000/SMP (Ultrasparc III/750 or III+/900) :

text_access_fault: pc=5a1b7cd8 va=5a1b6000
Skipping crash dump on recursive panic

I have seen something similar last night for the first time - couldn't log
in, opened console, didn't get login prompt (nor ddb), sent a break to
enter ddb and got a kernel text fault and skipped crash dump, very much
like you cited.


Same crash this morning. My wife called me (I'm not at home). On console, only panic on recursive panic, trap 68. No crash dump when system has rebooted. System crashed whe is was idle.



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