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Re: [RESEND] User-level window trap when booting NetBSD kernel under QEMU SPARC64

On 20/05/14 00:38, Eduardo Horvath wrote:

Yes, that's correct. Unfortunately I don't have a NetBSD build environment so
I've been doing most of the work by disassembling the kernel via QEMU's
gdbstub and comparing against the source in a web browser. So based upon what
you're saying it appears we have a stack like this (indented to show window

   cpu_initialize() {
     prom_set_trap_table() {
       openfirmware() {
           /* OpenBIOS C code */
           of_client_interface() {
              enter_forth() {
                set_trap_table() {
       /* fill_0_normal trap occurs here */

     /* Switch to kernel mode */
     wrpr %g0, WSTATE_KERN, %wstate

The assumption has to be that in order for this to work without errors then no
window/fault traps can occur between calling SUNW,set-trap-table in OpenBIOS
and getting back to cpu_initialize() to set the correct value for %wstate
which is quite a few window levels. AIUI data faults can't happen because the
ASI is set to 0x82 (no fault) which is why it is the fill_0_normal window
fault which is triggering this.

I'm starting to wonder if setting %wstate to use trap vector 6 should happen
*before* calling prom_set_trap_table()? At the point SUNW,set-trap-table is
called then the kernel is effectively saying "I am taking responsibility for
handling all traps from now on", and so if the kernel cannot handle traps
after this point for any reason, then it is not honouring its contract to
manage the trap table.
The problem comes down to setting %wstate and callng SUNW,set-trap-table
really needs to be an atomic operation, which is not really possible.
I'm not sure I understand why this needs to be atomic? Surely at this 
point the CPU is only running a single thread which at this point must 
be in privileged/supervisor mode?
Regardless of this, now I understand this further I need to look into the
OpenBIOS CIF interface in order to see if I can preserve the entire window
state across CIF calls which I suspect might be what Sun's OBP does. Otherwise
it would not be possible to run many versions of NetBSD (and OpenBSD which
suffers from the same problem) under emulation :/
Yes, OBP preserves the window state on entry and restores it on exit.  It
also written in Forth, so doesn't use any register windows internally.
It issues one `save' instruction on entry to get a set of registers to use
for the Forth engine and one `restore' when the CIF returns.
Indeed, OBP jumps into Forth at quite a low level compared to OpenBIOS 
which has quite a bit of C infrastructure bolted on for various bits and 
pieces. When you say "preserves window state", do you mean just the 
current window or the complete set of NWINDOWS?
If OpenBIOS uses register windows, things will get really complicated.
You enter the CIF handler with the PROM's register window settings, but
return with the kernel's settings.

Looking at locore.s:


         /* set trap table */
#ifdef SUN4V
         cmp     %l6, CPU_SUN4V
         bne,pt  %icc, 6f
         /* sun4v */
         set     _C_LABEL(trapbase_sun4v), %o0
         GET_MMFSA %o1
         call    _C_LABEL(prom_set_trap_table_sun4v)     ! Now we should be
running 100% from our handlers

         ba      7f
         /* sun4u */
         set     _C_LABEL(trapbase), %l1
         call    _C_LABEL(prom_set_trap_table_sun4u)     ! Now we should be
running 100% from our handlers
          mov    %l1, %o0
         wrpr    %l1, 0, %tba                    ! Make sure the PROM
didn't foul up.

          * Switch to the kernel mode and run away.
         wrpr    %g0, WSTATE_KERN, %wstate

So the kernel calls prom_set_trap_table_sun4u() and then immediately sets
the %tba address itself.  You could try moving that call to after the
register window state has been set up so you call
prom_set_trap_table_sun4u() with the kernel trap table and the kernel
window state.  I don't know what either OpenBIOS or OBP would do in that
Having thought about it more, I think that the arguably "correct" 
solution as to how to transition from PROM to kernel is to move the 
setting of %wstate to WSTATE_KERN beforehand like this:
          /* sun4u */
          wrpr    %g0, WSTATE_KERN, %wstate

          set     _C_LABEL(trapbase), %l1
call _C_LABEL(prom_set_trap_table_sun4u) ! Now we should be
 running 100% from our handlers
           mov    %l1, %o0
          wrpr    %l1, 0, %tba                    ! Make sure the PROM
 didn't foul up.

Otherwise you're depending on an unreliable assumption that your entire execution path for calling prom_set_trap_table_sun4u() won't window fault between these two points for any given PROM and any particular NWINDOWS. And to repeat my question from earlier, given how early on we are in the boot process then how could the CPU be in anything but privileged/supervisor mode at this point?
Both OBP and OpenBIOS will handle window traps at all levels, which 
thinking about it realistically is the only way that a PROM could 
function since there is nothing a PROM can do to detect %wstate before 
the window trap is taken. You can confirm this yourself from looking at 
the source code below:


Otherwise, you can just skip the prom_set_trap_table_sun4u() call.  I
added the SUNW,set-trap-table call to make sure OBP was aware the trap
table changed in case it needed to do something funny.
Interesting. You can actually check the OpenBoot source to see what OBP 
gets up to (and sadly it's nothing particularly exciting) here: 
The main thing it does is clear any pending soft interrupts and stop the 
L14 timer.
Amusingly the particular bug I'm seeing is actually caused by the 
introduction of prom_set_trap_table_sun4u(), since beforehand %tba was 
set first immediately followed by %wstate in the same window, so there 
was absolutely no chance that a window fault could appear at this point! 
I think that with the introduction of prom_set_trap_table_sun4u() you 
managed to get lucky that this didn't affect real hardware ;)
Option 2 is to rewrite the OpenBIOS to have SUNW,set-trap-table just
execute the load of the %trapbase register and not do any other fancy stuff.
I've tried moved the setting of the %tba register to the outermost CIF 
interface routine and I still get the window fault, so it looks as if 
the only option remaining is...
Option 3 is to save and restore the entire window state on CIF entry and
exit.  This will be a pain in the neck because you not only need to save
all the regiser window control registers, you also need to cycle through
and save or restore any dirty register windows contents.  Or I suppose you
could always save all the contents of all the register windows.  This will
slow down CIF entry and exit.
With a bit of work, I now have a solution based upon this approach that 
works with both NetBSD and OpenBSD on all my test images. Sadly as you 
correctly point out, the prologue and epilogue of the CIF entry into 
OpenBIOS are now a lot heavier but I personally believe there is greater 
value in having a slightly slower CIF implementation and being able to 
run more virtualised OSs for testing under emulation in this instance.

Kind regards,


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