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Re: Netbooting a sparc64 (netbsd-6)

On 02/27/2012 09:46 AM, Martin Husemann wrote:
On Mon, Feb 27, 2012 at 09:43:25AM -0500, Chris Ross wrote:
   Do you, or anyone else, remember which firmwares have seen this, or
other, problems?  I have checked, and I'm running 4.22.33, which looks
to be the most recent in the 4.22.xx line (patch 121683-06).  There are
also two patches in the 142700 line, which provide OBP 4.30.xx.
121683-06 is the one I have (which works for me).

Hmm. Okay. Then I guess while I'll still try to update to 4.30.xx, that may not be the issue. I'll start watching the network traffic to the DHCP server and the tftp/nfs server this evening or next time I look at it.

  Thanks again.

                               - Chris

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