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mpt(4) controllers on sparc64

  I recently obtained a LSI21320-R controller, and put it in my  
sparc64.  I added the mpt* line to my kernel, since AFAICT that was a  
MI driver, and when I reboot I see:
psycho1 at mainbus0 addr 0xfffc6000
psycho1: SUNW,psycho: impl 0, version 4: ign 7c0 bus range 128 to 128; PCI bus 128
pci1 at psycho1
mpt0 at pci1 dev 1 function 0: Symbios Logic 53c1020/53c1030
mpt0: applying 1030 quirk
mpt0: interrupting at ivec 0
mpt0: mpt_recv_handshake_cmd timeout3
mpt0: mpt_get_iocfacts failed
mpt0: mpt_recv_handshake_cmd timeout3
mpt0: mpt_get_iocfacts failed
mpt0: mpt_recv_handshake_cmd timeout3
mpt0: mpt_get_iocfacts failed
mpt0: failed to initialize IOC
mpt1 at pci1 dev 1 function 1: Symbios Logic 53c1020/53c1030
mpt1: applying 1030 quirk
mpt1: interrupting at ivec 1
mpt1: mpt_recv_handshake_cmd timeout3
mpt1: mpt_get_iocfacts failed
mpt1: mpt_recv_handshake_cmd timeout3
mpt1: mpt_get_iocfacts failed
mpt1: mpt_recv_handshake_cmd timeout3
mpt1: mpt_get_iocfacts failed
mpt1: failed to initialize IOC
timer0 at mainbus0 addr 0xfff9fc00 irq vectors 7ec

Anyone have any idea what's wrong here? This is, by the way, a netbsd-5 kernel from a Jan 20 or so tree, so many recent changes may be missing.

        - Chris

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