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re: Replacing PSU on Ultra 10

   Hi, I use Ultra 10 as my main desktop system. It's sitting right next
   to my desk and the PSU fan is a bit loud. I was thinking about getting
   a quiet PC type PSU that has similar dimensions to Ultra 10's and
   putting that in Ultra 10.
   So, my first question would be does anyone know if this will work, i.e.
   is there anything special about Ultra 10 PSU or is the same as other PC

you can do this but as i recall, it needs an older ATX psu.
i *think* you need v1.2, as V2.x does not have the right
power -- there's an older 6-pin plug that hasn't been used
on pcs for years that is missing in modern ATX.

i have nice antec PSUs in my U10s.


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