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Re: Volume control buttons


> On May 16, 2008, at 06:41, Jared D. McNeill wrote:
>> Michael Lorenz wrote:
>>>> My WindowMaker menu is currently intercepting the audio keys like
>>>> this:
>>>> SunAudioLowerVolume => mixerctl -nw monitor.master-=2
>>>> SunAudioRaiseVolume => mixerctl -nw monitor.master+=2
>>>> SunAudioMute        => mixerctl -nw monitor.master=0
>>> ... and that works only in WindowMaker. PMF events work everywhere.
>> The logic I would go with is:
>>   If X is active
>>     Deliver keycode
>>   Else
>>     Inject PMF event

I don't know a single thing on how/why it works, but on my Eee PC, the
volume UP/DOWN/MUTE work out of the box in the console and in X without
configuring a single thing.

It's running 4.99.62/i386.
pckbd0 at pckbc1 (kbd slot)
pckbc1: using irq 1 for kbd slot
wskbd0 at pckbd0: console keyboard

Hope it helps,

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