Subject: Re: stupid Ultra 10 serial port question
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-sparc64
Date: 04/17/2006 12:40:18
> I've been attempting to get a PPP connection between two boxes using
> a null modem cable (with the 4-1&6 1&6-4 etc).  

Unless this is a mockup of a dialup connection, my experience suggests
that you would be better off using SLIP instead of PPP.  I once spent
most of an afternoon trying to configure two boxes to get packets over
a hardwired serial line with PPP and was unable to get something that
came back up for all sequences of reboots and line disconnects and
reconnects.  Then I switched to SLIP and it all Just Worked - SLIP is
too simple for there to be anything to break, approximately.

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