Subject: Re: Installing -current on Ultra 5 via miniroot (Was: X on Ultra5
To: Amadeus Stevenson <>
From: Michael Lorenz <>
List: port-sparc64
Date: 04/14/2006 09:34:34
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> > I just tried with 20060410 20060408 20060407 from releng and each
> > time I run the miniroot installer, and get to the newfs part of
> > install I get "program ended on signal" when sysinstalll runs:
> >
> Ok my bad. I was booting from /dev/wd0b, then changing the partition
> size od wd0b during install.
> I set up partitions before booting -current sysinstall and, without
> altering the disklabel, everything is fine until.... installing the
> bootloader.
> Right after all the sets have been fetched and extracted, when
> installing the bootloader:
> ... /dev/rwd0a is of unknown file type (paraphrased).
Umm, that's odd - sounds like installboot tries to read from rwd0a or
something. Did you run installboot by hand or is the installer hosed?
( sorry, I'm not very familiar with the installer. Usually I find it
more convenient to disklabel / unpack / installboot by hand but that's
just me... )
Anyway, to get the disk bootable do this:
- copy /usr/mdec/ofwboot into your new root fs ( wd0a I guess )
- run installboot /dev/rwd0a /usr/mdec/bootblk /ofwboot
I'm not sure if you need to unmount wd0a for this step. The 3rd
parameter is the path to the 2nd stage loader /in the filesystem the 1st
parameter points at/.
Make sure the filesystem on wd0a is FFSv1 since the boot loader still
can't handle FFSv2 or LFS.
> I suspect it is that I kept the partition table made from a 2.0
> sysinstall, although I did specify 'newfs' for each partition (the
> swap partition held the -current sysinstall).
You could just have kept the 2.0 partitions.
have fun
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