Subject: Comments on new File server
To: None <>
From: Steven Grunza <>
List: port-sparc64
Date: 04/11/2006 22:08:36
My current file server is a Dell XPS T500.  I crashed it (again) by trying to move too much data through the network interface.

It is running NetBSD 1.6.2 (port-i386 of course) and has a 500 MHz PIII and 256 MB of RAM.  The file server data is on a pair of disks with RAID0 and a Promise Ultra100TX2/ATA Bus Master IDE Accelerator (rev. 0x02).

I'm considering moving the disks and the DVD+RW drive (for backups)to an Ultra 10 and the latest released NetBSD, probably 3.0.  One side benefit is the DLT auto-loader sitting unused could probably be made to play nice through the on-board SCSI.  

I prefer DVD for backup since DVD drives are cheap and easy to get but the capacity of the DLT is much better.  I'm trying to backup up the 17+ GB already on the file server but since the network has to be slowed down to 10BaseT to avoid hanging the box, it's painful.  I can either backup to a large networked disk or play around with trying to break the data up into 4.2GB chunks for the DVD+RW drive.

Any suggestions or comments about stability of NetBSD on Ultra 10?