Subject: Re: NetBSD 3.0, named, and sparc64
To: None <>
From: Joel CARNAT <>
List: port-sparc64
Date: 12/26/2005 22:49:49
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On Mon, Dec 26 2005 - 12:19, Rick Kelly wrote:
> I'm replacing my main mailserver/DNS server/ntp server with a box running
> NetBSD/sparc64 running 3.0. Is there a problem with the fact that named is
> compiled to use threading?
> The old box is an SS5 running NetBSD 1.5.4, and it needs to be replaced
> fairly quick as it is no longer healthy after 6 years on the job.
I can't be totally sure for 3.0 (yet) but I'm using 3.0_BETA for quite a
long time now (on one U5 and one V100). They are both DNS servers (one
dual view and the other is slave for the internal view) using the
"internal" bind (aka not the one in pkgsrc). Bind in dying quite often
(let say from 3 times/day to 1 per week). I don't exactly know why but I
had to setup a crontab checking if named is up and restarting it if it's
dead. I thought I might test net/bind9 but never had/took the time to.
Maybe I did something wrong or it is solved for 3.0, but you should be
carefull and test before throwing out your SS5 ;)
PS: I am actually migrating to 3.0-RELEASE, so I'll quickly know if it
is more stable now. Clamav also has weird behaviour. NTPd, Squid, Apache2/P=
Postfix, Courier-IMAP, PoPToP, SpamAssassin, Amavisd, RRDTool,
SquirrelMail, hobbit, album (I can't remember anything else) run like a
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