Subject: Re: Different disklabels of usbstick on NetBSD2.0.2 i386 and NetBSD3.0RC6 SPARC64
To: Holm Spitzer <>
From: Jonathan A. Kollasch <>
List: port-sparc64
Date: 12/20/2005 13:28:15
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On Tue, Dec 20, 2005 at 09:22:53AM +0100, Holm Spitzer wrote:
> Hi guys,
> i have a problem with mounting a msdos partition on an usb memory stick.
> The stick contains one msdos partition and a netbsd disklabel, which was
> created under NetBSD 2.0.2 i386. I can mount the partition under NetBSD
> 2.0.2 i386, FreeBSD 5.4 i386 and Windows, bur not under NetBSD 3.0RC6
> SPARC64.
I had similar problems. In my case I need a small FFS file system
with maximal compatibility. In the end I gave up on putting any label
on the device. Instead I went with a little-endian FFS filesystem on
slice "c" and FFS_EI. AFAICT it's mountable on all little endian
systems, and big endian systems with FFS_EI.
Jonathan Kollasch
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