Subject: Re: RAIDframe documentation concerns
To: Ryan Cresawn <>
From: Timo Schoeler <>
List: port-sparc64
Date: 10/24/2005 08:48:36
Ryan Cresawn wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm somewhat concerned with the current state of the RAIDframe
> documentation and I would like to get some answers from members of
> this mailing list so I can help to improve it. Here is the URL:
> I am particularly interested in this documentation because I use
> NetBSD/sparc64. I use RAID-1 on the boot disks of three Suns for
> obvious reasons. My concern is that some of the sparc64 specific
> parts of the RAIDframe documentation seem to be incorrect. I'm hoping
> to get some firm answers to these questions so that I can recommend
> changes to the documentation with confidence. Here are my specific
> concerns:
> 1. In my testing I have discovered that after I have created both
> components of the mirror I have been unable to boot from the
> original boot disk. My solution was to create a small partition,
> 'e', which holds the boot block and ofwboot. Has anyone
> successfully booted an Ultra 1, an Ultra 5, or any other sparc64
> computer from both "/dev/[sw]d0a" and "/dev/[sw]d1a" after
> creating a RAID-1 boot disk mirror per the RAIDframe
> documentation? I intend to recommend changes to the RAIDframe
> documentation that reflect my testing unless someone can convince
> me otherwise.
for me it runs perfectly the way it is shown in the documentation (for
several U1Es and U2{E}s.
[for the record: i once set up an U10 and gave it a peeceeish ATA133
controller (which wasn't supported by OF, obviously) -- this one had to
boot from the internal IDE; i used a CF-to-IDE adapter and made the CF
bootable :)]
> 2. The reason for choosing a particular dumpdev partition size is not
> stated in the RAIDframe documentation and I believe it should be.
> It is stated in swapctl(8); however, I believe that there are some
> users who will not know how to properly select a size for this
> partition and may select one which is too small. I believe the
> RAIDframe documentation should be modified to state that the
> dumpdev partition size should be equal to or larger than than the
> amount of physical memory the computer has installed.
> Furthermore, I believe it would be wise to caution users that they
> may wish to consider the maximum amount of physical memory their
> computer can accommodate and consider the likelihood of an upgrade
> that would cause their dumpdev partition to be undersized. Do I
> correctly understand dumpdev size selection? Should these
> concerns be included in the RAIDframe documentation?
i agree, IMHO this paragraph{s} lack a bit of glue to fit in well.
however, i'd also recommend to add how to avoid crashdumps entirely
(some people don't need them ;):
i used this to make my machines secure very easy after they were
colocated 600km away from home.
> If you would like to read more about my testing and why I'm now
> writing port-sparc64 please read my posts on netbsd-docs beginning
> August of this year.
> Thanks in advance for your feedback,
> Ryan