Subject: Re: Re: would my Quad card be broken ?
To: Michael <>
From: Joel CARNAT <>
List: port-sparc64
Date: 06/23/2005 21:52:33
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On Thu, Jun 23 2005 - 15:37, Michael wrote:
> Hello,
> >  I finnaly got another such quad (same model as the first one
> >  according to dmesg&pcictl). And this one works like a charm: I got
> >  3MB/s via scp and 8MB/s via ftp.
> >=20
> >  So NetBSD was not faulty :-)
> >  Still I don't understand why the first card don't work on NetBSD but
> >  is OK on Solaris...
> >  Same model, same revision...
> Well, not exactly faulty - but whatever is the difference between the
> cards ( there must be one or they wouldn't act differently ) - Solaris
> could obviously deal with it while NetBSD didn't.

 agree !
 in fact, my work room has 1xU5 and 2xU10 that act the same "weird" way.
 I mean, my U5 is (from 2.0.2 / 3.0_BETA) working really got.
 In the same time, the machine at my work keeps freezing (during pkgsrc wor=

 Although those machines ended in my room because they "looked" dead (after
 savage electric shutdown and such), they worked pretty well with Solaris 9=
 and OpenBSD 3.6.
 In the same time, using NetBSD (2.0.2 or 3.0_BETA), the machines freeze ra=
ther quickly on
 pkgsrc build process.
 I thought, Sun released quite "standard" machine (compared to DELL, for eg=
, where a single
 server ref might contain various ethernet card and such). I mean, an U5/33=
3 is 100% identical to
 another U5/333.

 All that to say, I'm wondering if it's possible that NetBSD/sparc64 deal w=
orse with some "small"
 hardware issues than Sol|OpenBSD do. NetBSD locks (no gdb, nothing on cons=
ole, nothing on screen)
 but the other OS don't say anything special.

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