Subject: Re: Problems with wscons(?) on U5 -current
To: Michael <>
From: Amadeus Stevenson <>
List: port-sparc64
Date: 06/22/2005 18:53:11
On 6/22/05, Michael <> wrote:
> > Could I change the initial resolution from 800x600 to 1024x768 somehow?
> Absolutely. Change your output-device ( use the eeprom command from NetBS=
D or the OBP prompt ) to 'screen:r1024x768x76 - assuming your monitor does =
1024x768 at 76Hz, pick something appropriate. The firmware will set up this=
 resolution on next reboot. Make sure you can login via network so you can =
set it back to 'screen' in case you accidentially set it to something you m=
onitor doesn't like. Having to wipe nvram because of this seems a bit drast=
ic ;)

Great! I ran 'eeprom output-device=3Dscreen:r1024x768x60' and booted and
no more display weirdness!

I still get the impression that when mach64 takes over it's back to
800x600? Maybe it's just my eyes.

