Subject: Re: ultra5 & Xwindows
To: Michael <>
From: Davide Zanon <>
List: port-sparc64
Date: 05/06/2005 12:00:41
On Tuesday 03 May 2005 19:35, Michael wrote:
> Hello,
> Use
> options WS_DEFAULT_FG <colour>
> options WS_DEFAULT_BG <colour>
> options WS_KERNEL_FG <colour>
> options WS_KERNEL_BG <colour>
> in your kernel config to set default colours for (kernel) output.
> <colour> can either be a constant ( WSCOL_WHITE, WSCOL_BLACK and do on )
> or a number ( 0xf is white, 0 is black, anything in between should
> correspond to ANSI colour codes )
> and next time you unpack base.tgz by hand add the p option to your tar
> command so file permissions won't get lost ;)

You're right, I've redone everything using "p" now... Thank you very much for 
the hints!

> See if /usr/X11R6/bin/X is a symlink to XFree86. By default it still
> points to Xsun which won't work. This will change though.

You were right again, it was a symlink to Xsun. Corrected.

> That's strange - for me they just work. Try vt220 as terminal type,
> maybe this works better. Then check which terminal emulation(s) you
> compiled into your kernel - xterm-color is fine when you use VT100
> emulation but no good when you use sun.

I had sun emulation in the kernel config file instead of vt100 indeed :)

Now I've used X for a while and I think there's something wrong with something 
else (very clever)...
- X gives lots of "Bad relocation xxxx" errors during startup (but up to now I 
cannot tell if it has caused any problems)
- When I do "xinit" as a normal user (startx sleeps some minutes, no idea 
why..), the screen comes up with twm as I have written in .xinitrc, but 
starting xterm from the menu has no effect at all. 
- When I use X as root (which I did because of the previous problem) I've 
experienced a strange crash with xclock. After having typed the command, the 
"skeleton" of the new window appears, but when I click to make the content 
visible, X crashes without any particular hints in the log file...
What I'm doing wrong now? :)

> have fun
> Michael

Thank you *so much* again!