Subject: Re: NetBSD/sparc64 now 'ready for primetime'?
To: Michael <>
From: Timo Schoeler <>
List: port-sparc64
Date: 04/02/2005 20:44:50
>> threads is not the problem, i'm much more afraid of that 'sleeps
>> forever' issue because the machine is being colocated -- and
>> unfortunately that are neither able to do a power cycle (at least,
>> it's
>> not available 24/7) nor to provide a serial connection (console)...
> I've never had it with -current, Rick said he didn't have it with 2.x,
> so it may be worth a try.
since it's going to be a production machine i'd like to have it run
2.0.x or 2.x, not -current. i left this to my machines at home ;)
>> because it's a production machine i think i'll go Solaris even with
>> the
>> SP machines :/
> That's the safe bet.
that's the way to go (in this case)...
> Maybe - it you have the time - install the stuff you need on a U5 with
> NetBSD 2.something and torture it for a while?
no way -- no IDE machines in here, please ;)
> have fun
> Michael
Timo Schoeler | |
//macfinity -- finest IT services |
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