Subject: Re: XFree86 - testers wanted
To: None <>
From: Michael <>
List: port-sparc64
Date: 03/18/2005 09:21:53
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>  I think there should be fixed things that aren't in netbsd-2 either
>  ('coze I have hangs even with a full netbsd-2 release).
>  It freezes (with no reason I can see) when compiling various things...
>  Sometimes bash compiles straigth, sometimes not. Last thing was with
>  openbox ; it freezed somewhere in the middle of the dependancies
>  compilation.
That's weird. I had some kernel panics which were related to a bug in the threadlib, but nothing else. Do you use IDE disks? I seem to remember there were problems with the U10s onboard IDE controller, I use it only for the CDROM, everything else is UW-SCSI.

>  userland never compiled completely.
>  I even don't know which parts are worth compiling.
Everything, at least once, because of dependencies...

>  I mean, maybe only gcc and a few libs are worth compiling (to stop my
>  hang bug).
Somehow I doubt it's gcc - I've never had any problems with it. If it was a software bug it would bite me (and a bunch of others) too...

> > > but if your patches aren't submitted, as you said, the kern conf is
> > > useless :)
> > I attached the keyboard patch to my previous mail, that should be all you need to roll your own.
>  yep, I've seen it.
>  I'll aply the patch when trying to compile -current.

It will compile without the patch, but the keyboard won't work.

have fun

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