Subject: Re: NetBSD Sparc64 SMP
To: None <>
From: Michael <>
List: port-sparc64
Date: 02/22/2005 17:47:56
Hash: SHA1


>> Sorry to be the messenger, but NetBSD 3.0 will not have working SMP on
>> sparc64. And neither will 2.1 (of course). This is not cast in 
>> concrete
>> yet, but anything else is highly unlikely.
> My wish list would be to first nail down the problems in uniprocessor 
> sparc64
> and then SMP.
Exactly. This nasty thread/paging bug needs fixing for instance. I 
guess that's just what they plan to do :)

> Also, I would like to see support for X finally nailed down, so that I 
> can use
> sparc64 as my desktop machine. Sun hardware is just more reliable than 
> intel
> and amd commodity crap.
I submitted a few patches, XFree86 now works with onboard ATi Rage 3D 
controllers found in most Ultra 5 and 10 machines ( some have a Rage II 
- - works fine as accelerated console but XFree doesn't really like it. 
Can't do anything myself, my U10 has a Rage 3D ) and with cg6 in Ultra1 
( and probably 2, but I don't have the hardware so I can't test it 
myself )
But it's not really ready for everyday use - paging activity is pretty 
likely to kill processes and sometimes it locks everything up.

> I have about 18 systems here, only 4 of them are x86.
I don't have a single x86 anymore - just a bunch of SPARCs and PowerPCs.

> I would be happy if I could set up an Ultra 60 as my desktop machine 
> and a
> nice 4 processor E450 to run all my NFS needs. :-)
Stupid question - does the U60 have any kind of onboard graphics? If it 
has some ATi chip it will probably just work. FFB should work too, but 
as far as I know without acceleration.

have fun
Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (Darwin)
