Subject: Re: NetBSD Sparc64 SMP
To: None <>
From: James Cornell <>
List: port-sparc64
Date: 02/22/2005 13:13:17
SMP is a must on UltraSparc platforms.  Not only are they 64-bit, but they =
generally have 2mb or more of level 2 data cache.  Sparc64's are a beefy Ri=
sc processor and deserve a little SMP lovin'.  I look forward to seeing SMP=
 on NetBSD for Sparc64 platforms.  In the future I hope to see a formal rel=
ease of SMP for Sparc64 in the next release of NetBSD.    Take a look aroun=
d... Redhat 6.2's 2.2.x kernel has had SMP for several years.  The Gentoo d=
istribution with a newer kernel built for Ultras also does SMP.  What my po=
int in referencing SMP support in linux kernels is that all in all it is ve=
ry possible.  SMP has been a great feature for many platforms on NetBSD for=
 some time now, but due to some amazingly annoying and trivial problems wit=
h various NetBSD ports in the past, no one has had time to even attempt to =
implement SMP support natively in the NetBSD kernel for Sparc64 processors.=
  Once my machine is complete, I will personally donate hardware time to Ne=
tBSD kernel developers if they can promise some progress towards multiple c=
pu support in NetBSD for Sparc64.  It wouldn't be illegal to reference the =
methods in which Linux kernels use SMP on the UltraSparc platform.  Don't u=
se the code, just figure out what's missing and implement it based on exist=
ing NetBSD methods to avoid license restraints between the GPL and BSD lice=
nses.  Just my two cents.  Thank you for your interest.

James Cornell
Unix Devil - Free Unix Shells