Subject: Re: compat_solaris
To: Michael <>
From: Eduardo Horvath <>
List: port-sparc64
Date: 02/07/2005 17:48:03
On Mon, Feb 07, 2005 at 09:37:37AM -0500, Michael wrote:
> >| Hmm, I'll try running Opera from Solaris with its display on the
> >NetBSD
> >| box, but I'm pretty sure it will just work - the Xserver I'm running
> >is
> >| stock XFree86 4.0 compiled straight from xsrc a month ago or so. To
> >me
> >| it looks like something gets lost on the way from xlib to the
> >Xserver.
> >|
> >but betweeen xlib and the xserver sits the x protocol which is
> >transmitted
> >by sockets. If that gets corrupted, then you get immediately an error.
> At least when these sockets work properly. Hmm, what's corrupted is
> almost exclusively stuff that requires pre-rendered graphics, so - is
> MITSHM known to work between Solaris emulation and XFree86? If not - is
> there a way to turn it off temporarily?
I doubt it's a problem with X. SVR4 uses sewers^H^H^H^H^H^Hstreams
for networking, which requires a shim layer in the emul code, which
gets more complicated when things need to be converted between a
32-bit app and a 64-bit kernel. Also, solaris is big on threading
which has similar issues. Especially since all the threading in
2.0 was re-done for SA. I'd suggest those areas may be worth looking