Subject: Re: list of supported models
To: None <>
From: Richard Braun <>
List: port-sparc64
Date: 05/24/2004 07:00:40
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On Mon, May 24, 2004 at 11:57:14AM +1000, matthew green wrote:
> =20
> - Blade 100 and 150
> does sb150 support actually work? ISTR multiple people not being
> able to run netbsd on it?
> Will 2.0 have support for USB-based console? What level of X support=
> will there be for PCI and SBUS systems?
I've never been able to run either 1.6.2 nor 1.6ZK on sb150. There were
problems with usb, pciide and atapi buses. I'll try using a serial
console but i don't expect it to work much better...
Concerning X on SBus systems, I'm able to run Xsun quite well on my
Ultra1 (that was some months ago since it's used as a screenless server).
> 2.0 will support X on the cgsix@sbus and i think ffb@mainbus (but i
> could be wrong here.) there is no PCI VGA support yet AFAIK.
> =20
Yes, Ultra1 has cgsix@sbus.
> Am I missing anything? Did I include anything that won't be working=
> with 2.0? Below is a list of models Sun has shipped that I haven't=20
> seen mentioned as being supported or tested.
> [ list deleted ]
> anything UltraSPARC III based isn't supported yet. that's most of
> your list...but i'm not sure about all of them.
> .mrg.
Richard Braun
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