Subject: re: GCC3.3.1 switch coming soon.
To: Wojciech Puchar <>
From: matthew green <>
List: port-sparc64
Date: 09/01/2003 11:22:55
   > i'm ready to switch sparc, sparc64, i386 & alpha ports to using GCC3.3.1
   > by default.  i've uploaded 4 snapshots (one per port ;-), all cross
   > compiled from i386-netbsd.  you can find them under
   does kernels compile well??
   while i already have 3-weeks old -current compiled with 3.3.1 with pentium
   optimization, i use 2.95.* from pkgsrc to compile kernels.
   kernels compiled with 3.3.* just reboots after loaded.

i've been running gcc3 compiled everything on my new laptop for several
weeks now.  the only time it had gcc2 was after installing and before
bootstraping with gcc3.  i've seen the reports about topdown VM but i
have not investigated them.  someone who uses that option should, i
have enough other things on my plate right now.  my laptop kernel is
built with:

	makeoptions     DEBUG="-gstabs" # compile full symbol table
	makeoptions     COPTS="-O4 -mcpu=pentium4 -march=pentium4"
