Subject: Re: miniroot/sysinst seg fault
To: Umang Kumar <>
From: Andrey Petrov <>
List: port-sparc64
Date: 10/24/2002 11:39:42
On Thu, Oct 24, 2002 at 03:45:56PM +0000, Umang Kumar wrote:
> No resolution/replies on this one.
> I had to reinstall Solaris ..and had a fun time getting Solaris to
> understand the label...managed to make it work after I dd'd the BSD label
> and re-installed Solaris.
> So downloaded NetBsd 1.6 miniroot again...and with a partition table of a
> gig for swap and app 15 gig root...the installation choked on discovering
> the network interface.
> It could not find hme0 and then I got the /:write failed, file system is
> full error.
> Also, trap textfault at 1753a8!! sending SIGILL due to trap 16: illegal
> instruction.
> uid 0 comm ifconfig on /: file system full.
MD file system is not large and when some program coredumps the core file
fills whatever free space was there. Removing that core file might be
enough to proceed. You can also try single-user boot (-s), or try to
install from solaris, and (my favorite) netbooting. If you can post
boot log it might also bring some light on your problem.