Subject: Re: where to buy a box ?
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-sparc64
Date: 05/29/2002 17:31:42
> hum... 'not sure to want to switch to SCSI based hard drive...
> what will I do with my 3xIDE drives (>13Go) ? :)
Send them to me? :-)
> I'll have a look at U1 &U2 anyway !
> Would there be a way to plug my IDE disk in it ? I mean via PCI/IDE
> card or IDE/SCSI cable ?
Maybe, no, and no.
PCI cards will be no help, since the U1 and U2 are SBus machines.
IDE for the SBus may exist, though I've never seen nor heard of such.
IDE-to-SCSI converters may exist, but they'd be a lot more than a
special cable; the protocols are sufficiently different that you would
need nontrivial intelligence in the converter.
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