Subject: Re: New Snapshot (20020511-1.5ZC)
To: None <>
From: Tim Goodwin <>
List: port-sparc64
Date: 05/15/2002 16:25:21
Tomi Nylund <wizard@finland.invalid> writes:
> I tried installing the 1.5ZC today, and ran into a strange problem:
> pax wouldn't unpack the kern-GENERIC.tgz from binary/sets, no matter
> what.
I can't shed much light on this, except to say that I experienced
exactly the same problem (and worked around it in the same way) with a
release that I built for local consumption on 2002-05-09.
In other words, I think this is (or was) a generic problem in the
build process, and not, say, a one-off corrupted file.