Subject: 24 bit graphics for Ultra1
To: None <>
From: Matt Herzog <>
List: port-sparc64
Date: 12/25/2001 12:14:01
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Hi all.
I'm having great difficulty determining what if any 24 bit
frame buffers are availible for my Ultra1. It seems not to
be an Ultra1 Creator but it has a connector inside that does
not seem to be a regular sbus slot. I can't find any actual
images online of what a fbb UPA slot is supposed to look like=20
and I'm guessing there may be more than one type of UPA slot.
The mystery slot is the same width as the sbus directly beneath=20
it. The mystery slot has gold contacts visible inside its holes.
The mystery slot's holes look as if they could accept much larger
pins than the sbus slot could.
The motherboard part number seems to be 5013084073947. I found this
number on a sticker with a bar code on it on the mobo itself.
I find nothing helpful if I search the web (inc.
for p/n 501-3084. I know there is no Creator framebuffer that=20
will display X under NetBSD but I am hoping to dual boot Solaris
and NetBSD on this box. "SvCd:A11-170" is on the exterior of the=20
case. The p/n on the case's exterior is 600-3942-01.=20
Any help will be greatly appreciated.=20
Matthew Herzog Unix Administrator Powered by NetBSD
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