Subject: Keyboard repeat
To: None <>
From: Stephen Borrill <>
List: port-sparc64
Date: 12/19/2001 11:00:06
On Mon, 22 Oct 2001, Julian Coleman wrote:
> The is one oddity - every few seconds (say 3 - 5), the machine pauses,
> sometimes it's very noticeable and a key press get lost or duplicated.
> I think this occurs when ioflush runs but I'm not 100% sure.  ioflush is
> certainly using lots of CPU - about 1 second for 1 minute of uptime - I
> can't remember how much it used before.

I'm using the 1.5Z snapshot and just managed to complete my first
installation on an Ultra 1. When first booted, the machine is fine, but
after typing a certain amount on the keyboard, it goes into pause, lose
and manic auto-repeat mode. This made installation _very_ difficult as once
started, I had little option but to reboot. Has anyone looked into this?

BTW, how do I set the console keyboard map, so that I can use the | symbol?

I installed using the netbsd.INSTALL kernel from the snapshot (a procedure
which didn't appear to be documented, but looked a lot easier for someone
from an arm32 and i386 background). The only
problem I ran up against was determining the terminal type to enter when it
boots (sun-ss5) as without the correct answer, sysinst won't run.
