Subject: Re: Ifconfig does not work on miniroot of the 1.5.1 release on Netra T1 machines.
To: None <,>
From: Brian Buhrow <>
List: port-sparc64
Date: 07/17/2001 15:12:17
	The upshot of this is that I'm having an extremely hard time installing
NetBSD on my Ultra.  I supposed it's too late to fix the miniroot for
1.5.1?  Can it be fixed for 1.5.2?
On Jul 18,  5:15am, wrote:
} Subject: Re: Ifconfig does not work on miniroot of the 1.5.1 release on Ne
} | > Following your suggestion and assuming that ifconfig is doing the right 
} | > thing, I find that I cannot connect to any network attached devices, be
} | > they on the local net or on some other net.  I think in this case, ifconfig
} | > just isn't working.  I suspect it's a 32-bit versus 64-bit issue.
} |
} | Uhm, I only can tell for the "real" (i.e. installed) ifconfig, which works
} | at least so far that it did configure my machines hme0 appropriately with
} |
} |   ifconfig hme0 inet 192.168.....
} |
} | I never looked at the address it was displaying (else I would have noticed
} | any wired output), but it worked. The distribution was uploaded to the ftp
} | server via this hme0, so it must have worked ;-)
} If you have a running machine and do:
} 	ifconfig -a
} You should get a good set of addresses.  If you take a miniroot,
} use vnd to mount it, and run the same command but with the ifconfig
} from the minitoot, all the addresses are printed out as
} | There may be (kernel) issues, but I would be very suprised if there would
} | be 32bit vs. 64bit issues in this area.
} Obvously not, since ifconfig works fine.  It's only the crunched
} ifconfig that shows this problem.
} Eduardo
>-- End of excerpt from