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Re: NetBSD 10.0 - configure test process hang

    Date:        Tue, 29 Oct 2024 12:45:43 +0100
    From:        Riccardo Mottola <riccardo.mottola%libero.it@localhost>
    Message-ID:  <7dbc4b44-5b16-c13c-183c-fea04abdace8%libero.it@localhost>

  | legolas: {31} ps -ax | grep conf
  |  �7329 pts/1 S+�� 0:00.07 grep conf
  | 10191 pts/2 I+�� 0:04.19 /bin/sh ./configure LOCAL_LDFLAGS=-Wl,-E 
  | --enable-alias --enable-array-variables --enable-
  | 11361 pts/2 Sl+� 0:02.49 ./conftest
  | 14133 pts/2 I+�� 0:00.02 /bin/sh ./configure LOCAL_LDFLAGS=-Wl,-E 
  | --enable-alias --enable-array-variables --enable-
  | I wonder why there are two configures? I understand parallelism of 2, 
  | but maybe parallel tests not configures.

What you're seeing there is almost certainly a subshell - pid 10191 is
most likely the actual configure script running, which then does

	( something )

which would be pid 14133 (its parent is probably pid 10191).   Most likely
conftest is (part of) "something" there, its parent would probably be 14133

Use ps's 'l' flag (at least once) when examining these kinds of things.

No idea why nanosleep() would not be working on a sparc though (on
10.0 there are some sleep related issues which can occur - not something
I'd expect to matter here though, and the effect was usually not sleeping
long enough, rather than sleeping too long - or forever).


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