I have an SS20 with dual HyperSPARCs that I upgraded to 10.0 recently but haven’t done anything with it other than that. When I’m back where that machine is I can try to putter around with it to see if I encounter any issues.
Sent from my iPhone On Oct 25, 2024, at 5:16 AM, Riccardo Mottola <riccardo.mottola%libero.it@localhost> wrote:
A couple of months passed, it is fall and rainy days are back, as well as cooler temperature for our old SparcStations.
Anybody can help getting NetBSD 10.0 stable on my SS4 and especially my SS20?
The SS20 has 2x HyperSPARC modules and it will just crash quite quickly. A bit of using kills it and drops into the console. In single-CPU mode it works. NetBSD 9.2 was almost usable on it (it would die with strange issues after a couple of days, but connection was available and one could issue a reboot).
The SS4 (MicroSPARC) dies when compiling certain stuff. Hard. No message on console, just frozen (of course, it could have developed issues, but it was stable with 9.2!). It has also much less memory.
I'd really like get the SS20 usable again, also because it is the most powerful 32bit system I have, I can copy binaries over to the SS4 in case.
Michael? Romain? you crazy hackers?
PS: I would have one last resort I could do: I have a SS10 with 2x SuperSPARC II running 9.4 quite well. I could swap all 4 CPUs and see if 9.4 runs stable and 10.0 not. Given that SS10 and SS20 are not exactly the same and the former has a slower bus, so some issue could not appear. I don't know if my ROMs take that swap though? I remember getting extra ROMs for HyperSPARC almost 20 years ago, but my memory there is dead like the original nvram :)