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Re: ntpd wedged by libc?

On Mar 4,  4:57pm, agcarver+netbsd%acarver.net@localhost (AGC) wrote:
-- Subject: Re: ntpd wedged by libc?

| Ok, the first suggested define worked to allow it to compile:
| #define ATF_REQUIRE_STREQ(A, B) ATF_CHECK(strcmp((A), (B)) == 0 )
| I get this result:
| # ./t_printf
| Content-Type: application/X-atf-tcs; version="1"
| tcs-count: 6
| tc-start: snprintf_dotzero
| __atf_tc_separator__
| __atf_tc_separator__
| tc-end: snprintf_dotzero, passed
| tc-start: snprintf_posarg
| __atf_tc_separator__
| __atf_tc_separator__
| tc-end: snprintf_posarg, passed
| tc-start: snprintf_posarg_width
| __atf_tc_separator__
| __atf_tc_separator__
| tc-end: snprintf_posarg_width, passed
| tc-start: snprintf_posarg_error
| __atf_tc_separator__
| __atf_tc_separator__
| tc-end: snprintf_posarg_error, failed, Test case did not exit cleanly; 
| state was 138
| tc-start: snprintf_float
| __atf_tc_separator__
| __atf_tc_separator__
| tc-end: snprintf_float, failed, Test case timed out after 300 seconds

tf_tc_set_md_var(tc, "timeout", "3000");

to the setup of that test. I guess it did not finish on time.


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