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Re: ntpd wedged by libc?

On 2/11/2012 16:36, Christos Zoulas wrote:
On Feb 11,  4:34pm, agcarver+netbsd%acarver.net@localhost (AGC) wrote:
-- Subject: Re: ntpd wedged by libc?

| I don't know why it's looking specifically in /usr/src instead of the
| relative directory.  I do have that file present in
| /mnt/src/lib/i18n_module/ so I just created a directory tree in /usr/src
| which eliminated that particular error but all the rest still exist and
| I'm not sure why it's missing the architecture.  Somewhere I'm missing a
| config file that defines the architecture.

Do you have a complete 1.5 tree in /mnt/src?


I don't have the full tree at the moment.  I've been working on it. It's 
very slow to download and the process has failed twice with errors so I 
was hoping to do it with a limited download instead of the full tree.
The last error was from CVS saying that a particular entry was not a 
directory and the whole process aborted in the middle.

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