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Re: Boot partition sizes (Was: installing NetBSD on a Sparcstation 2.)

Would it make sense to note some known PROM versions in each case,
just to save people having to experiment each time? :)

Dave, I've burnt a v2.9 ROM and have that across the 4/40, 4/50 & 4/75. Haven't tried booting beyond 1gb / , but definitely has trouble with slices >8gb for subsequent file systems on 4/50 and 4/40.

Cheap 45$ chinese willem programmer off fleabay works the magic. Is there any newer rom images available? I sourced the v2.9 a few years ago when I got the last Weitek PowerUP! (tm) processor.


 Al Boyanich
 adb -w -P "world> " -k /dev/meta/galaxy/ksyms /dev/god/brain

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