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Re: Antares 10Base-T Ethernet -> works

In article <489DCA59.8030604%gmail.com@localhost>,
doomwarrior  <doomwarriorx%gmail.com@localhost> wrote:
>Hi everybody,
>I got a brunch of sbus cards, among alot of boring TGX cards. There was 
>a card I didn't know before.
>It is called Antares 10Base-T Ethernet and has the part number 20-050-1007.
>The card has two "bigger" chips AMD 79C90 and LSI L64853AQC Sparc DMA+, 
>two rows of jumpers and a rj45 and aui interface.
>A little bit strange are the jumers. To enable Rj45 you have to open the 
>row of jumpers marked with ENET and close the row of jumpers for TNET. 
>Besides that, the card working fine in my SparcStation5 with the le-driver
>I think the card should be mentioned in the "le"-man page?!

Sure, just post a diff here.


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