Subject: Re: SS20 random hanging.
To: None <>
From: Laurent FAILLIE <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 05/20/2007 14:02:14

I have upgraded to 3.0.2 kernel, and removed some
memory consuming applications.
Unfortunately, my SS20 just hanged again :-(

It's clear for me now it's directly related to memory
swaping. As soon as I had some processes that had to
be swaped due to lack of free memory, my SS20 will
hand after some hours or days.

As this machine is serving some web site, I have to
find a solution : my idea is to patch 'led blink' code
(BLINK in the configuration) to reboot the machine if
the load is above 10 (the LED is the only thing that
continue to work when the machine hangs).

Do you know how I can reboot the machine for a code
inside the kernel ?



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