Subject: RE : Re: SS20 random hanging.
To: None <>
From: Laurent FAILLIE <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 03/16/2007 21:27:51

Thanks all for your help.

> >3/ Is someone working on this nasty threading
> problem
> >on Sparc architecture ?
> Yes, it has been fixed now that SA threads have been
> disabled on head.

For my own information : what means 'SA' and why it
will not work on Sparc ?

The misspelling master is on the Web.
   _________	100 % Dictionnary Free !
  /        /(
 /  Dico  / /	Pleins d'autres fautes sur
/________/ /	
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Quoi, des fautes d'orthographe! Pas possible ;-D.


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