Subject: Names [no longer Re: Seeking a laptop scsi disk...]
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-sparc
Date: 11/13/2006 11:52:14
> Wasn't there a google-talk on how to improve open-source projects
> where one of the primary recommendations was to 'lose' people with
> silly nicknames who refuse to use their real-names?

Can't prove it by me either way.

But I maintain that the Mouse name *is* my real name; it's the name
under which I have what reputation I have, the name by which I am most
widely known.  I used to introduce myself with my mundane name even in
net contexts; I've lost track of the number of people who have looked
blank when I did that but recognized the Mouse name.  I've stopped
using any but the Mouse name except where mundane organizations (like
banks and governments) are involved.  If I lived in a common-law
jurisdiction, I'd probably have tried to get some kind of recognition
of it as a legal name for me.  Living in Quebec, I've considered a
formal name change, but so far haven't got round to bothering,
especially given the probability that it would be rejected, it being an
English name and all.

If you think NetBSD would be better off without me, fine, come right
out and propose it.  Who knows, you may get others to agree.

/~\ The ASCII				der Mouse
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