Subject: Re: secure ftpd and others with older NetBSD?
To: None <>
From: Tom Uban <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 09/20/2006 08:44:04
At 05:17 PM 9/19/2006 -0400, you wrote:
> > I've managed to compile/install both OpenSSL and OpenSSH on my Sparc
> > IPX running NetBSD 1.4.1, although it may have been a futile effort
> > as some of the operations on the IPX take an eternity. [...] Any
> > words of wisdom on this?
>Not from me. :(
>While I do use hardware of similar vintage (I really like the IPX and
>LX), I just accept the hit. My ssh implementation supports connection
>sharing, meaning I pay the public-key performance penalty only once per
>some-long-period (basically, until something crashes or one end is
>rebooted). And, as well as this works for me, it isn't much help for
>you, since you want SSL-secured mail, and connection sharing such as I
>have my ssh doing doesn't really make sense for that.
Does your connection sharing technique only work among simultaneous
connections? Is your code base available and faster than the OpenSSx
code base?