Subject: Netboot from MacOS X 10.4.x?
To: None <,>
From: John D.Baker <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 07/19/2006 08:18:41
Has anyone netbooted using a MacOS X 10.4.x (specifically 10.4.7) system
as the server lately?  I have all the pieces in place and I know tftp 
NFS are working, but rarpd is giving me fits.  (Won't know if my 
config is working until rarpd works...)

I've got it set up according to all the instructions I can find and 
sees the requests come in, but it never answers.  According to the man
page in 10.4.7, it further insists that the directory /tftpboot/ipaddr
exist or it won't respond.  Well, I have that, in both dotted-quad and 
notations, since the page isn't clear.

The netboot instructions related to MacOS X/Darwin seem a bit dated.
They don't seem to refer to anything past 10.2.8 (Darwin 6.8) as the

Maybe there's more NetInfo voodoo I'm missing?


John D. Baker                            NetBSD     Darwin/MacOS X
http://mylinuxisp(dot)com/(tilde)jdbaker/     OpenBSD            FreeBSD
BSD.  It just sits there and _works_.
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