Subject: Re: SunPC accelerator card
To: None <>
From: tr0x <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 06/03/2006 12:37:20
> The short answer is no.  There is no support (yet?)
> But now that we have support for "xen-client" support on the i386 side,
> we already have a a sufficiently stupid machine (xen) netbsd is ported to.
> Should be an excelent starting point for coding the glue code on the 
> sparc side.
> Lot of us were interested in the past. But nobody liked to invest to 
> much time.
> Lack of documents for thoose beasts will still be an issue. (how to get 
> them bootstraped ?)
> Andrea, may be you can team up a group.
Well... i would like to, but i really don't have the knowledge needed
for that!
However if i find useful informations about SunPC (sbus) cards, i'll
post them here.
