Subject: Beautiful Sparc take 2.
To: None <>
From: Magnus Svantesson <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 05/30/2006 21:07:52
Being the originator of list mail-trace, I must say I feel a bit scared
=B4bout all your numbers...
I love my SS20; its more mechanical solid than any computer I=B4ve ever =
It reeks of quality.

As I originally stated in this mail, I am a newbie, so could you pls
elaborate on how to do a "optimized V8 build"?

I just  recently lost my kernel-virginity. I downloaded the sourcecode,
built the toolchain and then compiled and installed my kernel. It now =
solidly on 3 90MHz Hypersparcs. =20
How do I go about to improve the speed even more? Is there a GCC.conf

Also; I have a Happy Meal card wich I would prefer to use rather than =
le0. But when I plug in my 100 Mbs :-)! from my ISP into hme0, my Sparc
spews out warnings about le0-connection lost. And when I give the =
le0 down" command, it just switches warning, telling me that it lost =
with the card instead... :-(

Finally, I am in the market for a windowsmanager. I tried downloading =
which went belly-up because some packages weren=B4t available.
So instead I tried compiing it myself (/pkgsrc.../meta-packages.. make
install clean). Same problem though:libgcrypt wouldnt compile. And
consequently Fluxbox wouldnt compile either; libxslt need libgcrypt, so
there you are..

Are there any windowsmanagers which could be recommended? If possible, =
such a newbie, I would prefer something sheltering and all-encompassing =
Gnome or KDE. But any suggestions are welcome!


-----Original Message-----
From: [] =
Behalf Of Timo Schoeler
Sent: den 30 maj 2006 19:38
To: matthew green
Cc: doomwarrior;
Subject: Re: Beautiful Sparc, take 2

> are the sparc binaries optimized for V8?  could you try using
> -mv8 option?  this could have a major effect on the speed of some of=20
> the operations (20-80%? or so.)

i saw a really awesome speed up (e.g. for sshd) when i did a V8 =
build for my SS20, and used it on the machine.

> also, a "bzip -d" test would also be interesting.