Subject: Re: nfslocking problem persists?
To: None <,>
From: John D. Baker <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 05/22/2006 16:58:27
Matthias Scheler <> wrote:

> In article <Pine.NEB.4.53.0605211446480.7717@david.technoskunk.fur>,
> 	"John D. Baker" <> writes:
> > I recently upgraded my file server from NetBSD/sparc-1.6 to v3.99.4
> > (and then to 3.99.17) and started having a lot of problems with NFS
> > locking, particularly with Mozilla Firefox on MacOS X client systems.
> How old is your "rpc.statd"? I've fixed a bug in it at the 29th of March
> which caused a lot of problems when my Mac OS X system access my
> NetBSD 3.0_STABLE NFS server.

My /usr/sbin/rpc.statd dates from 11 April 2006, although that is the
date it was built.  The sources could well have been old enough to not
have your big fix.  I have recently built 3.99.19 from sources dated
about a week ago.  As soon as I can get everything settled down, I'll
update the system.  I won't be able to monitor them as I'll be out
of town for a couple of weeks (and said machines are inaccessible from

And I've confirmed that with the present system, rpc.lockd does crash
and dump core.  It roughly coincides with the MacOS X system complaining
that the server could not be contacted.


John D. Baker, KN5UKS                    NetBSD     Darwin/MacOS X
jdbaker(at)mylinuxisp(dot)com                 OpenBSD            FreeBSD
BSD -- It just sits there and _works_!
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