To: Recipient List Suppressed <>
From: alex <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 01/31/2006 04:38:56

Dear Beloved in Christ

May God be with you and richly bless you as you read

this without prejudice. Amen!
I am rev frank  from Republic

of Benin and a lawyer by profession. To the Glory of
God, I was priviledged to be a close friend and
confidant to a late brother in Christ Rev. john 

who worked tirelessly both in his private life
and in the service of God in his lifetime before his
devine call. May his soul rest in perfect peace. Amen!
In all my association with this late brother and
friend, this revelation, the object of this mail was
never made known to me because the late Rev.john

lived a very disciplined life. He was wealthy before
he went into ministry and adequately provided for his
family and also cared for people who were opportuned
to come in close contact with him.
However, shortly before his call to eternal Glory, he
had summoned me to his sick bed and made me promise to
carry out his last wishes as a trusted friend and
confidant. I promised without knowing what he was
about to say and also, at the time, I believed he was
not going to die. Well, he told me he had some money
which he intended to be used for charity,
ministry, evangelical work or otherwise when he was
gone, but did not want his immediate family to know
about for fear of subversion of his promise and pledge
to God. Therefore you must keep this donation very
He then prayed for me and blessed me trusting that I
would not subvert his pledge to God. Before he died,
he gave me information concerning the fund and what I
was to do. With all due respect to him, I waited for
the completion of the burial rites and mourning and
other sundry matters concerning him before proceeding
to reach you.
I have prayed concerning this issue for God's guidance
and if in your heart you geniunely desire to use this
fund for the propagation of God's work in any form
wether for charity, ministry, evangelical work or
otherwise in relation to God's work, do get in touch
with me and let us pray together over this before we
can make further arrangements. Please you may reach me
on this email: you once again and as you
receive, give God          
all the Glory.
You are blessed in Christ Jesus.
Yours in the Lord,
revod bless you once again and as you receive, give God
all the Glory.
You are blessed in Christ Jesus.
Yours in the Lord,
rev frank