Subject: Re: DBRI audio
To: None <>
From: George Harvey <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 07/17/2005 22:22:30
On Sat, 16 Jul 2005 18:01:26 -0400
Michael <> wrote:

> Hello,
> > 
> > But I do get some of these:
> > 
> > dbri0: cs4215 didn't respond to CLB (0x00)
> > 
> Ok, looks like these messages only appear in conjunction with a
> speakerbox. So...
> - when do these messages appear? When playback starts or later?
> - do you hear distortions when these messages appear? I mean besides
> the short clicking when playback starts ( which I'll hopefully get rid
> of ) - any distortions at all? Since the mp3 decoder eats a lot of CPU
> time you can expect echoes and skips when some other process tries to
> do something IO- or CPU-intensive. Anything besides that?
> - does anyone get these messages without an onboard codec? Or none of
> these messages with a speakerbox?

I did get some distortion the first time I tried to play a file
yesterday but I didn't note the circumstances. Here's what I got

Cold boot of SS20.
Play a mp3 using mpg123 with no options.
Get 'dbri0: cs4215 didn't respond to CLB (0x00)' immediately playback
Sound loud and very distorted.
Abort playback using ^C.
Play same file again, this time no error message and sound normal.
Play same file again, get error as above when playback starts but sound
still normal.
Play same file again, no error messages, sound normal.

So it looks like I get the error when playback starts but not every
time. FWIW, the box I'm testing on is running 2.0 userland and the only
other processes running are the usual daemons (syslogd, inetd, cron,

Hope that helps,