Subject: Re: NetBSD2.0/sparc not ready for prime time?
To: Michael <>
From: Pavel Cahyna <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 02/25/2005 16:44:03
> Hello,
> >>There is another limit, in that Sun labels have only 32 bits for
> >>partition size in sectors and only 8 partitions, which imposes a limit
> >>of 32GB usable space, unless you use RAW_PART - or unless you use my
> >>patches to increase the partition count, or use the Sun label for
> >>nothing but booting and use another label kept elsewhere for live
> >>operation (which latter I hear NetBSD/sparc does these days).
> >
> >A bit off-topic, but did Sun do anything to address this limit? I can't
> >believe that Solaris has a limit of 4 GB per partition (isn't it 
> >actually
> >2 GB? 2^32 * 512 byte sector would give 2 GB). I am going to add a new
> >disk to a machine running Solaris 2.4 so I would like to know what the
> >limits are...
> Errm, 32 Bits for partition size in sectors gives 2TB ( 4G * 0.5KB if 
> you use 512 byte sectors). Solaris had a limit of 2GB per file, but 
> since 2.5 or so there's a mount option to support big files.

Heh, you are right. So was the previous post wrong, or is there really a
partition size limit caused by something different?

Thanks	Pavel

> have fun

This was funny, indeed. But people dealing with mathematics aren't
expected to know to compute, no?