Subject: Re: What are you using port-sparc for?
To: port-sparc <>
From: Andy Ball <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 09/29/2004 18:18:03
Pedwar is a SPARCstation 5 with 170 MHz 'TurboSPARC' MB86907
microprocessor, a single 2.1 Gb fixed disk, 100 Mb Zip drive
and a CD-ROM, all of which are SCSI.  It is my Web server
testbed, so that I can test Web pages, CGI programs etc.
without putting them live on the Web.  I also use it for
digital audio extraction and MP3 encoding.

Unplws is a SPARCstation 1+ with exhausted NVR battery.  I
may fix that and put it to good use.

   GE> ...I just have to laugh reading all these "I've got an
     > SS2" or "I've got an IPX" postings, given that bare-
     > bones SS20's (with CPU and 64 MB RAM) are going for US
     > $19.00 "Buy It Now" prices on eBay ... c'mon, splurge
     > a little folks ;)

If a SPARCstation 1 is in good health and fast enough for
the task assigned, why waste time and money replacing it? As
these things start to age it might make sense to think about
a successor, but I'm not in the habit of replacing something
just because "It's Old Technology!" and therefore somehow
"unfasionable".  Besides, in my experience newer does not
automatically mean better.

- Andy Ball.