Subject: Re: What are you using port-sparc for?
To: Org, Port-Sparc@Netbsd. <>
From: Chris Amthor <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 09/27/2004 22:09:05

John Ruschmeyer <> wrote:


> > Well, the fun setting it up shouldn't have lastet any longer than
> > about a few minutes ;)

> That depends... a custom kernel rebuild and some package builds could
> make the fun last for days. :-)

Yes, indeed. Unpacking pkgsrc itself takes it's time ;)


> > Well, an SS20 is one of the fastest "real" Suns ever built.

> Okay, I'll bite... what makes it a "real" Sun as opposed to what
> else?  :-)

I didn't intend to to decoy since I considered it to be common sense
but OK. That's simple:

A "real" Sun has SBUS, builtin SCSI, the Sun KBD/Mouse connector and a
13W3 connector [if|when] a framebuffer card exists.

Actual Suns use USB mouse/kbd, PCI, IDE/ATAPI drives and are simply
overpriced PCs with a SPARC CPU at low frequencies.


Q: How is "SunOS" spelled?
A: As one speaks it. With capital "S-O-S".